Burton on Trent
Sunday 26 August
Today was Caroline and Peter's turn to entertain us. We were really looking forward to seeing them and of course Christopher and Charlotte. We have known Caroline for 21 years and always look forward to seeing her and catching up on what's going on in her life. We were treated to a great lunch and saw Chris's new motorbike. Thank you both for a really relaxing a day it was just what we needed. Oh and for doing our washing, the shorts will never be the same.......
Saturday 25 August
We slept really well last night, not sure if it was because of the alcohol but it is more likely the luxurious super soft bed provided for us. After breakfast we said our goodbyes and made our way to The Belfry to spend the day with Petra’s Dad, Alan and June . We keep forgetting that this is the first time most people have seen our little ‘Campy’ and the reaction to her has been great. But no reaction has been to the standard of dear June. To say she liked it would be an understatement. She couldn’t get over how much room there is in the van and she explored her in great detail. Obviously, it gives us a nice warm feeling inside when you get a reaction like that.
After lunch we met up with June's daughter Jan and Keith. They are fellow campers and have also just bought themselves a campervan (Rainbow). We spent ages discussing the our mutual treasures and of course all the bits and pieces that no self respecting camper would be without.
We were in full flow when suddenly June burst on to the scene carrying a small ornamental wheelbarrow full of bits and bobs including a pair of secateurs! On her head was large straw hat and she had bright pink lips made so by the over zealous use of lipstick. Finally, she was carrying a Hurricane lamp which Alan never took his eyes off as it is one of his prized possessions. Anyway June then announced that she was leaving home and now was coming with us. Dear June you are such good fun and we love you very much. Thank you for brightening up the day.

We left Alan and June and made our way back to Kev’s Dad in Tutbury for dinner. Audrey arrived and we were treated to what was supposed to be a nice joint of boiling ham with all the trimmings - it had been in the slow cooker all day in cider. It turns out the ham was not ham at all it was in fact a joint of pork. Unfortunately, Dad didn’t label the meat when he put it in the freezer and it all looked the same when he came to take it out. Anyway, it made no difference gravy substituted the parsley sauce and we had a lovely meal. Audrey provided a huge sherry trifle which we are proud to say we all saw off. Well done dad we are always impressed with your culinary skills.
Friday 24 August
Aaaah.... the smell of the Marmite factory and beer bubbling in enormous vats; we must be in Burton on Trent. We arrived at Kev’s Dads at midday just in time for a nice lunch and a welcome cup of tea on the balcony.
Dad couldn't take his eyes of Campy....
We’d very kindly been invited to stay the night at Paula and Kevin’s home in Linton. We arrived at about 5pm and were introduced to their lovely dogs ‘Alfie and Bob’ who kept us entertained and made us very welcome. Paula and Kevin live in a beautiful converted contemporary barn which is exactly what we would love for ourselves one day. Staying there almost made us feel like being civilized again and immediately start looking for a house but then, we thought of all the effort involved in dragging all our stuff out of storage (and that of putting it in there in the fist place!) and the open road still beckons. One day perhaps.
We went to their local pub and enjoyed the Burton beer (note to self, fill up the boot with Marston’s Pedigree before leaving Burton) then back to their house for a takeaway curry. We had a late night chatting and drinking rather a lot!!
It was lovely to see both Paula and Kevin and we had a smashing time Thank you for making us so comfortable. We look forward to seeing you for a weekend in Spain during the winter.
Here is a picture of Campy, taken from Dad’s balcony, as you can see it has the solar panel on the roof. We have really noticed the difference and the battery was showing a reading of 13.7v which is great. So it looks like we can now be totally self sufficient with electric. Brilliant!
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