Wednesday, 21 November 2012

River walk

Tuesday 20 November

As it was a nice day we decided that we would walk down the ‘river walk’ at the bottom of Riogordo. The start of the walk is of course easy as we have a down hill walk into Riogordo. 

Before we started the walk properly, Petra wanted to post a couple of letters and we went to the Post Office for stamps. It became clear the girl in the office would not take the letters unless they had stamps on and after a while it became more clear that if we wanted stamps we would have to go and buy them at the shop next door and return the letters to her with the stamps attached. That’s what we did and got the stamps from the tobacconist and returned the now duly stamped envelopes to the Post Office. All in order she was now happy to take the letters from us.

The river walk was very interesting, and showed how much rain we had had over the last week. You could see where the roads had been undermined and where the run off had carved its way through the landscape. We saw one house that had a garden full of mud and stones. The river was still quite full and was a brown colour from the churning up of the mud. Most of the road was covered in mud from slides that had been bulldozed away. It really was a bit of a mess.

We carried on the walk and the views were spectacular. The river has over time gouged out quite a deep gorge and is quite steep in places. We walked for a few of miles and then decided to turn back ever mindful of the climb back to the house. When we arrived back in Riogordo we stopped at the corner bar and had a couple of beers and bacon rolls. We also met quite a few ex-pats and we had a nice chat about living in Riogordo.

Below- after the storm, view from the house

1 comment:

  1. Good to catch up on your week. We have rain problems here now. Yesterday was dreadful here in the South West and had a scary journey to work with the water like rivers off the fields. Today we have strong winds and torrential rain tonight. We have been warned that Saturday is going to be really bad. Kev, have you shaved off the beard yet? Prefer you without! Love to you both. Carolx
