Sunday, 2 September 2012


Sunday 2 September

I suppose the most interesting thing that happened today was the passing of the second month we have been on the road. We did so with a cursory nod to each other and agreed we were very happy and content with our lot. 

The day started with a drizzle and continued all day. Mist covered the lovely views of yesterday and we decided to stay in. Saying that we did leave the van to do the washing and would you believe it IRONING. Yes the campsite has it all including irons. All you have to do is pay £5 deposit to the nice lady at the reception counter and POW, you get a £4.99 Tesco Value iron. I assume the 1p is to cover the petrol expenses if you decide the iron is worth nicking.

We also did some more admin and bits around the van. Foe example we discovered if you take out the bottom draw under the sink there is a huge space to put all manner of things. It is a shame Bilbo couldn’t have made it in to one big drawer. So it is now stuffed with all our spare Bodyshop toiletries. Kevin decided it was time to have a go with one of the toys bought before the trip in preparation. The electronic tyre inflator. This is a brilliant device which automatically inflates your tyre’s to the desired pressure. We are now fully and properly inflated.

And that’s it really a simple day in the company of each other doing what we do best SORTING.

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